October 2016
Property Maintenance
All Foster Parents are reminded to make sure your homes are looking presentable for the Fall season. This is a great way to get your youth involved within the program and do things together. If you need the truck for any removal of garbage, leaves etc please contact Leanne at the Head Office to schedule a time.
Just a reminder that we still have wonderland tickets available at the head office, If your youth has not attended, please call Leanne to schedule a time to pick up tickets. Also, we get tickets for the Fall season, including the Halloween Haunt. If your youth would like to have some fun and enjoy the fall season, please schedule a time to reserve tickets
All staff should make sure they speak with their managers if they need First Aid/CPR training. HYS expects all their staff to be fully trained and qualified in order to provide the utmost care to our clients. Also, it is important to note that the next UMAB training will take place October 6th and 7th from 9:30am to 3:00pm; if any staff or foster parents need UMAB training, the managers/foster parents must contact Gamin Teague to sign up.
October 2nd-8th is Mental Illness Awareness Week
Please make note of this week and become familiar with the struggles of our youth. Make conversation and get involved.